Century Employee of the Month



Century Employee of the Month is a recognition program to acknowledge the outstanding performance and dedication by our Professional Security Guards. It is an initiative to not only recognize their efforts, but also to motivate our team to continue to deliver the highest degree of security programs on the daily basis for our long list of clients. It is an initiative to boost morale, motivate, and maintain a positive work culture, which increases team engagement and loyalty by reaffirming that hard work and excellence are as always valued and appreciated within Century. 




Gregory Gooden - Site Supervisor.

Gregory Gooden, a Site Supervisor assigned to NYBC Westbury is being recognized and nominated for the CPS “Employee of the Month Award” for March 2024 by Charles DeSalvo, Century's VP of Operations. Gooden has been assigned to NYBC Westbury since his inception of employment. While Gooden leads by example, he remains financially responsible limiting UBOT through effective schedule management on a consistent basis. Gooden also excels in mentoring and successfully elevates the overall performance and appearance standards of Century's personnel assigned to this location. Gooden is an outstanding performer and is beloved by our client. Congratulations Greg!




Victor Roridguez - Security Officer.

Something stood out to a visiting supervisor when he stopped by a middle school to visit all our schools security officers. Our site supervisor noticed that Victor took the initiative to start and carry a daily logbook. After talking to the lead officer at NHMS, he confirmed that it was Victor's idea. His punctuality, appearance, professionalism, and positive attitude reflect his recognition as Security Officer of the month. 

Security Officer Victor Rodriguez has been with Century since 2023. Victor has been assigned to Nathan Hale Middle School since the date he started in the district. The best part about being a Security Officer for Victor is being able to help others and making sure everyone is safe. Victor considers himself a loyal and hard-working employee. He takes pride in the ability to achieve tasks when working alone or as part of a team. When Victor is not at work he enjoys reading and going for a run. He also enjoys spending time with family. A fun fact about Victor is that he likes to drink water with lemon to stay healthy. 

We appreciate you Victor.