Professional Security Agents

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Our security agents, trained in the tactful utilization of their skills and resources, detect risk and protect our clients from harm or loss.

Professional Security Agents are recruited from law enforcement, criminal justice and military backgrounds as well as local resources.

Each candidate is carefully screened by our human resource professionals and operation managers for skills and work ethics commensurate with our criteria.

In addition to ordinary mandated training, each new employee receives pre-assignment training in our state-of-the-art training facility, as well as periodic refresher courses.

They are always presented in a professional manner with the appropriate business or uniformed attire.


Our training and field personnel continuously supply intelligence information that is current with new threats, tactics and best practices.

Our team of professional security guards are our true asset and a source of inspiration. Join us in recognizing the very people whose efforts and commitment to safety is unwavering. Learn more about our Century Employee of the Month and Meet our Elite Security Team.